The traditional recipes were brought by baker Mahroum, who began producing sweet semolina cakes and Turkish Delight in 1890.
the bakery and confectionary was expanded by his son, sho established a small shop in nazareth in 1977. at first, this shop catered to the local clintele, aho were a discriminating audience with many sweet shops to choose from throughout the city. After a decade, the Mahroum namme had become famous not only among locals, but also among tourists. after visiting thr religious sites in Nazareth, tourists flocked for tea and baklava at Mahroum. it was precisley these tourists who initated the idea of exporting to europe the US and other countries..
He worked in a factory for tahini and sweetness when he was 12 years old, and came to Nazareth in 1890 and established a factory for tahini and sweetness.
learning the profession of an Armenian man. He was outstanding at making candy mush and won the admiration of residents of the city of Nazareth and nearby villages left a significant impact where distinct بلباسه was passed liquidity White elegant, also mush flavor and taste are still people on the year.
Is considered one of the second generation opened the first branch in the main center of the city of Nazareth, near the Church of the Annunciation with his nephew Ahmed Mustafa Bakir Mahroum, RPR devising and developing new types of oriental sweets and the renewal of packaging containers.
Is one of the third generation, a director of the company and External Relations has exported and marketing of sweets out of the country where he participated in local and international exhibitions and in his time became Mahroum company exports its products to Europe and America and are sold at airports.
one of the third-generation RPR confectionery industry, where the concentration of the plant and the production and the internal management of a branch manager in the city of Ramallah.
one of the third-generation interested in the affairs of foreign and domestic interest and is responsible for management of key branches Nazareth, Ramallah, Hebron, and Jerusalem.
is one of the fourth generation is responsible for the main branch in the center of Nazareth.
is one of the fourth generation is responsible for the main branch in the center of Nazareth.
is one of the fourth generation, the main factory manager and is the first responsible for workers And procurement and production, a key expert in the manufacture of various products
She is responsible for managing the accounts of the Interior and the media and propaganda for factory products.